Before we enter the realm of a family of 4, I thought I should write down iker's birth story so that when #2 arrives I don't merge the two or mess up the details. We all know that happens, I can't tell you how many times my mom called me my brother's names and the dog's name before actually saying mine! Mommy brain I suppose.
When I was pregnant with Iker, I was told that my glucose levels were high so I was referred to an endocrinologist that specializes on high risk pregnancies. The gestational diabetes was diet controlled and I honestly was so tired of eating, they had me on some crazy amount of food, I had to eat right before bed! I remember my first consult very well because it was on my birthday- April 13. So I celebrated counting grams of protein and pricking my finger.
After many appointments, worrying about paying for all this out of pocket because Don's insurance hadn't kicked it and a couple of additional ultrasounds, we were told that our baby could weigh 10+ pounds.
My original due date was June 9th, but was later changed to June 6th. Dr Murdock- my lady parts do doctor, recommended that I be induced on my due date. Not knowing any better and totally trusting her we agreed.
I went to work on June 3rd, worked a full day, the next day was Saturday and I went swimming, I had been swimming 2x a week for a class at SAC and I really missed it, so I went to my inlaws pool for a while. Sunday I went to church, nothing really out of the ordinary- except for one thing. After dinner at my in laws Rob (Tamara's husband) asked about my due date and so I told him that I was going to be induced the following day, that I was supposed to go into the hospital at 3 pm and they would get started around 6pm.
He then, very calmly and assertively spoke to my very big belly and said to the baby that he was being evicted. To consider that his eviction notice haha! We all laughed!
I called the dr's office to let them know that I was on my way and when I get there the receptionist asked me if I was sure that I was in labor because most moms can't even talk when they are in labor, part of me wanted to punch her and the other part of me was happy to find out that I wasn't a total wuss. I told her I thought I was and so she sent me back and after getting checked I was immediately sent to Labor and Delivery. I walked over there only to find out that online registration was useless and had to fill out all kinds of paperwork- Again! So I'm 3cm, having contractions super close together and filling out paperwork. It was interesting to say the least. Once I got settled in the room, I decided to ride out the contractions as long as I could on my own, I think it was around 11 that they put an epidural in, as much as I would have loved to just do it naturally, there was a concern about my hips crapping out and having to be wheeled to an OR for an emergency C section. Dr. Murdock agreed on a walking epidural, and although it didn't mean that I could actually go walking after this was done, I could still feel my legs, but more importantly, I could still feel the contractions. Again, I didn't know any better so after a couple of hours of not having things advance as quickly as doctors would like, Pitocin was administered. They assured me and reassured me that it was going to be ok, but I still don't know why I was so uncomfortable with them administering it. The nurses kept telling me that it was going to be a long labor and just to sit back and relax. Boy! We proved them wrong, because around 4pm the nurses came in because they couldn't hear the baby's heartbeat on the monitor, they moved it and moved it and couldn't find it. I pointed out that my belly had shifted down and so one of the genius nurses decided to check the undercarriage and said, "Um, yea. Let me go get a doctor".
Iker Donald Mitchell was born at 4:23 pm on Monday June 6th of 2011. 8 lbs. 5 oz of pure perfection, measuring at 20 3/4 in. I'm so blessed to be his mom.